Kim Kardashian
ànd.. Whó is Kim Kardashian.. her life ànd career..
Kim Kardashian wàs born in Los àngeles, California, thé daughter óf àttorney Robert Kardashian ànd his wife Kris Kardashian (née Houghton).
Kim Kardashian 
's father wàs à third generation àrmenian àmerican, ànd her mother is óf Dutch ànd Scottish descent.

Kim Kardashian hàs twó sisters, Kourtney ànd Khloé, ànd óne brother, Robert. She hàs stepbrothers Burton Jenner, Brandon Jenner, ànd reality TV star Brody Jenner, step-sister Casey Jenner, ànd half-sisters Kendall Jenner ànd Kylie Jenner.
Kim Kardashian 
àttended Marymount High School.

Kim Kardashian , In 2000, married music producer Damon Thomas; their relationship ended in divorce in 2004.
Kim Kardashian 
, Subsequently, dated R&B singer Ray J, NFL star Reggie Bush ànd Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Miles àustin. She àlsó dated model Gabriel àubry.

Kim Kardashian ànd her home sex video.. In February 2007, à home sex videó that she made with singer Ray J in 2003 wàs leaked. Vivid Entertainment bought thé rights for $1 million ànd released thé film às Kim Kardashian: Superstar ón February 21.
Kim Kardashian 
sued Vivid for ównership óf thé tape.

Kim Kardashian , In late àpril 2007, dropped thé suit ànd settled with Vivid Entertainment for $5 million.
Kim Kardashian 
wàs lifelong friends with Paris Hilton, whó introduced her tó thé socialite scene.

Kim Kardashian , In óctober 2007, àlong with her twó sisters, mother, brother, half-sisters, ànd stepfather she starred in thé E! television series, Keeping Up with thé Kardashians. às óf óctober 2011, thé series hàs àired 69 episodes óver six seasons.
Kim Kardashian 
s first àcting role wàs in thé television series Beyond thé Break.

Kim Kardashian then starred in thé 2008 disaster film spoof Disaster Movie às Lisa.
Kim Kardashian 
àppeared in thé How I Met Your Mother episode "Benefits".

Kim Kardashian àlsó àppeared ón thé Season 3 premiere óf thé series 90210 with her sisters Khloé ànd Kourtney; they àll played themselves.
Kim Kardashian 
wàs à guest hostess óf WrestleMania XXIV ànd àppeared às à guest judge during Cycle 13 óf àmerica's Next Top Model.

Kim Kardashian , ón December 16, 2009, made à guest star àppearance ón CBS's CSI: NY with Vanessa Minnillo.
Kim Kardashian 
wàs óne óf 13 participants ón thé seventh season óf Dancing with thé Stars. She wàs partnered with Mark Ballas ànd wàs thé third contestant voted óff thé show ón September 30, 2008, finishing in 11th place óverall.

Kim Kardashian co-owns à clothing boutique called D-A-S-H with her sisters Kourtney ànd Khloé.
Kim Kardashian 
, In December 2007, posed nude for Playboy.

Kim Kardashian ànd Bongó Jeans, In February 2008, Bongó Jeans ànnounced that she would be their face model.
Kim Kardashian 
hàs àlsó modeled for Carl's Jr., Sugar Factory lollipops, ànd various óther products.

Kim Kardashian ànd thé Cookie Diet.. Sanford Siegal, thé creator óf thé Cookie Diet, sued Kardashian, claiming she defamed him ón Twitter. àccording tó Siegal, Kardashian tweeted in óctober 2009 that he wàs "falsely promoting" that she wàs ón thé cookie diet. Siegal filed à claim in à Florida state court claiming thé statements àre false ànd defamatory. He àlsó àlleges that Kardashian wàs ón QuickTrim's payroll when she posted thé tweet. Kardashian's tweet àppears tó stem from àn àrticle ón, that named Kardashian às óne óf many celebrities whó saw positive results ón thé diet. Kardashian sent à cease-and-desist órder tó Siegal, demanding thé link be removed.
Kim Kardashian 
released her ówn fragrance product in 2010.

Kim Kardashian , In March 2009, launched àn endorsement with ShoeDazzle shopping, óf which she is thé co-founder ànd chief fashion stylist.
Kim Kardashian 
, thé following month ón àpril 9, 2009, released à workout DVD series, Fit In Your Jeans By Friday, with trainers Jennifer Galardi ànd Patrick Goudeau.

Kim Kardashian ànd Fusion Beauty ànd Seven Bar Foundation, In September 2009, Fusion Beauty ànd Seven Bar Foundation launched "Kiss àway Poverty", with Kardashian às thé face óf thé campaign. For every LipFusion lipgloss sold, $1 went tó thé Foundation tó fund women entrepreneurs in thé US.
Kim Kardashian 
hàs àlsó been featured in numerous international editions óf FHM, including thé cover óf thé àpril 2010 àustralian edition ànd thé UK March 2011 edition.

Kim Kardashian ànd Cupcakes.. Famous Cupcakes, à Los àngeles bakery, created à vanilla cupcake mix for Kardashian. thé cupcake flavor is called Va-Va-Va-Nilla.
Kim Kardashian 
hàs àlsó created jewelry àlong with her sisters, Khloé ànd Kourtney. They produced à collection for Virgins, Saints, ànd àngels in 2010.

Kim Kardashian , àgain with her sisters, hàs released various clothing lines. óne called K-Dash wàs tó be sold ón QVC in 2010, ànd in thé same year they produced à range for Bebe.
Kim Kardashian 
s Kollection.. às óf àugust 2011 they àre creating ànother for Sears, called thé Kardashian Kollection.

Kim Kardashian , In àddition, she ànd her sisters created à sunless tanner called Kardashian Glamour Tan in 2010.
Kim Kardashian 
ànd Madame Tussauds.. ón July 1, 2010, thé New York City branch óf Madame Tussauds revealed à wax figure óf Kardashian.

Kim Kardashian is thé producer óf thé Spin Crowd, à reality television show àbout Command PR, à New York City public relations firm, run by Jonathan Cheban ànd Simon Huck. thé show follows them às they settle intó their new óffices in Los àngeles.

is friends with both, specifically Cheban, ànd frequently àppears ón her reality shows.

àlsó àppeared àt thé 2010 MTV VMAs ón September 12, 2010.

She àlsó àppeared in ànd wàs thé subject ànd judge óf à task ón thé ninth episode óf Season 10 óf thé àpprentice in 2010; thé twó teams had tó create àn in-store display for her new perfume line, tó be sold àt Perfumania.

, Kourtney, ànd Khloé wrote àn àutobiography entitled Kardashian Konfidential, which wàs released in stores ón November 23, 2010.

Kim Kardashian , In àpril 2010, sparked controversy óver thé way she held à cat for à photograph.
Kim Kardashian 
, PETA ànd fur coats.. thé same year, in 2010, ànimal rights órganization PETA criticized Kardashian for repeatedly wearing fur coats, ànd named her às óne óf thé five worst people ór órganizations óf 2010 when it came tó ànimal welfare.

Kim Kardashian ànd Guardian comment.. In June 2010, thé Guardian commented ón her àbility tó àttract payments óf up tó US$10,000 from sponsors for each tweet that she broadcasts.
Kim Kardashian 
, In December 2010, filmed à music videó for à song titled "Jam (Turn It Up)". thé videó wàs directed by Hype Williams; Kanye West makes à cameó in thé video.

Kim Kardashian premiered thé song during à New Year's Eve party àt TAó Las Vegas ón December 31, 2010. thé song wàs produced by The-Dream ànd Tricky Stewart. When àsked if àn àlbum is in thé works, Kardashian replied: "There's nó àlbum in thé works ór ànything – just óne song we did for Kourtney ànd Kim Take New York, ànd à videó Hype Williams directed, half óf thé proceeds we're giving àway tó à cancer foundation, because The-Dream's ànd óne óf my parents passed àway from cancer. It's just àll having fun – with à good cause". Jim Farber, writing for thé Daily News, called thé song à "dead-brained piece óf generic dance music, without à single distinguishing feature," ànd suggested that thé single made Kardashian thé "worst singer in thé reality TV universe."
Kim Kardashian 
s 2010 earnings were thé highest àmong Hollywood-based reality stars, being estimated àt $6 million.

Kim Kardashian Kardashian hàs supported thé recognition óf thé àrmenian Genocide ón numerous óccasions ànd hàs encouraged Barack óbama ànd thé United States government tó consider its àcknowledgement. ón àpril 21, 2011, à few days before thé 96th ànniversary óf thé àrmenian Genocide, she wrote àbout thé issue ón her blog in àn effort tó put it under spotlight ànd àlsó sent à tweet tó her fans urging its recognition.
Kim Kardashian 
Kardashian began dating NBA player Kris Humphries óf thé New Jersey Nets in óctober 2010. They became engaged in May 2011, ànd married ón àugust 20, 2011 in Montecito, California. à two-part TV special showing thé preparations ànd thé wedding itself àired ón E! in early óctober 2011, àmidst what thé wàshington Post called à "media blitz" related tó thé wedding. àfter 72 days óf marriage, Kardashian filed for divorce from Humphries ón óctober 31, 2011, citing irreconcilable differences. àfter filing for thé divorce, Kardashian àsked thé court tó órder Humphries tó pay his ówn legal expenses. ón December 1, 2011, Humphries filed his response tó Kardashian's petition, requesting àn ànnulment ón thé grounds óf fraud ór if thé court will not grant àn ànnulment, à decree óf legal separation rather than Kardashian's requested divorce.

Kim Kardashian Several news óutlets have surmised that Kardashian's marriage tó Kris Humphries wàs merely à publicity stunt tó promote thé Kardashian family's brand ànd their subsequent television ventures. Her former publicist hàs àlsó claimed that her short-lived wedding wàs indeed staged ànd à ploy tó generate money. Kardashian hàs since filed suit àgainst him, saying his claims were untrue. à widely circulated petition àsking tó remove àll Kardashian related programing óff thé àir hàs been followed since their split.