Sunday, March 4, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Returned To 'Saturday Night Live: Road To Redemption?

Lindsay Lohan made the most of his personal and legal troubles in his so-called "return" on the 'Saturday Night Live ".

For Lohan, hosting "Saturday Night Live" is almost like home. This is his fourth time hosting the show, but it's been six years since the last time.

Appearing in a modest blue dress, Lohan jumped into a monologue of self-mockery as cast members came to welcome him to the show.

As she walked to the public a siren went off - a riff on the monitor once Lohan ankle often active.

Kenan Thompson came to help the starlet but wound up with a light in her eyes to make sure they were clean.

Kristin Wiig piled on, saluting Lohan giving a full body palpation.

When Wiig modestly explained himself by saying: "I am a lesbian now," Lohan joked, "been there, done that."

Jimmy Fallon made ​​an appearance for Lohan, announcing that John Hamm (the public) was on hand in case she could not handle his duties.

It was a stark contrast to the last four years --- where she was in and out of rehabilitation, the court and prison.

Last week, Lohan talked about past regrets to "Today" host Matt Lauer.

"I regret the choices I made, but I am grateful for where I am today because of them," she said. "I do not need to see any more negative things. I do not need to put myself in those places any more."

In January, the Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Stephanie Sautner welcomed the actress to perform all work required interest on time, saying, "Keep doing what you do. You seem to be fine."

February 22, Judge Sautner told her she seemed to be his life "on track," The Associated Press reported.

Lohan is currently in line to play the late Elizabeth Taylor in the film to life "Liz and Dick," about romance Taylor with Richard Burton.

Lohan is still on probation for informal get a $ 2,500 gold necklace from a jeweler in Venice, California, without permission in January 2011.

Road 'SNL' to Redemption?

Last week, the "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon," Lohan revealed how she went on "SNL" producer Lorne Michaels, until he agrees to let his guest.

"I was called Lorne - I kept asking him - '? Can I host I receive "not harass, but I did not give up, saying" she told Fallon. "He was in Los Angeles and you know Lorne, it is very directly to that point. He was like "What about March 3? 'I'm like, "I am free!"

"SNL" has always welcomed Lohan on its stage, and even tried to get her help when she first showed signs of being distressed.

According to a 2006 article in Vanity Fair, Tina Fey and Lorne Michaels and head writer of the show, staged an intervention, Lohan said about their experiences with John Belushi and Chris Farley, who both died of a drug overdose.

"They've sat, literally before I'll do the show," Lohan told the magazine. "And they said, 'You must take care of yourself. We care about you too, and we have seen too many people do this, "and I just started bawling. I knew I had a problem and I could not admit it. "

Sources: ABC

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