Monday, January 9, 2012

Anti-Kardashian Website Gets A Call ... Kim Kardashian's Attorney

A web site blasting all things Kim Kardashian has finally gotten under the skin of the reality star.
Kim Kardashian has been reported egged on his high-powered lawyers founder of a website that aims, among other things, that the Kardashians are "anti-American" and that the family is "a stain on our culture" and "an embarrassment to our country." founder was contacted by the Kardashian family general Attorney Christopher T. Wilson, who said Hollywood hard Martin Singer, attorney intends to file a criminal harassment complaint against him.

"They try to scare," said the founder of the website, who laughed at the threats, the New York Daily News. "They do not want bad publicity."In what is described as a "long phone conversation" between the founder of the website and Wilson, the lawyer, "expressed dismay" over an article on the site suggests readers contact the singer to express his opinion on the reports published Kardashian backed that products made in Chinese factories. founder, who wishes to remain anonymous, said, "would not encourage anyone to bother" Singer, but "were encouraged to call in his personal opinion." Singer's name and contact information has been removed from the site. has gathered over 512,000 signatures of people who are committed to doing business with companies related to the Kardashian clan.

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