Thursday, January 19, 2012

Movie Review: Darkest Hour

Darkest Hour (M) Director: Chris Gorak (Right to your door) Starring: Emile Hirsch, Olivia Thirlby and Rachael Taylor (see above), Max Minghella. Verdict: Very easy, no one home. Stars: * 1 / 2

Even with the forgiveness factor that comes with watching the budget, thrillers, there is no light to be taken for Darkest Hour. Conceptually, there is just enough intrigue to the room to offer a movie can be anything. However, doing so shit-tabulous, the film is anything but.

In the Darkest Hour, while on the wall says it's a foreign invasion of hours. You'll be hard-pressed not to answer "one more time?" or "already"? Once you see the last line in the intergalactic offenders. No, do not catch the eye. Because these foreigners, mostly invisible. What should be kept on a stack of Cinematographers special accounts effects.

In those rare cases where the scary parts unknown aggressors from showing themselves, they take the form of a flickering of electromagnetic pulses.

To the naked eye, they look at the lights that made time travel out of a bad rave party in the 1990s.

Although they will glow in the western human ashes in a nanosecond, it's angry rays are not so bright when it comes to world domination.

Why, even the dumb ol 'heart of Moscow, where the Darkest Hour is set for no apparent reason on again off again the invaders can not even get the better of two starry-eyed tycoons Internet (Emile Hirsch and Max Minghella) and two-brained buddies gallon (Olivia Thirlby and Australia's own Rachel Taylor).

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