Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Movie Review: "Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows"

Robert Downey Jr. plays Sherlock Holmes perfectly. It's a bit silly, well over the top, and mixtures of brain and muscles in the role of the world's most famous detective.

"Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows" can prosper Downey Jr. perform all the fun and silliness of this character. The highlight of the movie Sherlock Holmes comes as indicators of a situation and works in a fight scene in his mind, seconds before punching. Similarly, it is able to look at an unusual wall and determine in a secret passage hidden behind it.

Like the first "Sherlock Holmes" movie two years ago, this film is set in 1891, Downey co-starred with his partner, John Watson (Jude Law). Noomi Rapace (famous for the Swedish version of "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo") joins the cast as the femme fatale, always in danger.

The plot is pretty basic, like the evil Professor Moriarty disagreed with Holmes, and is determined to kill Watson and any other person close to Holmes. Moriarty is trying to design a war between the Germans and French, planning to make money on the sale of ammunition. Of course, Holmes and Watson puts on a mission to stop Moriarity.

The banter between Holmes and Watson, and representation playful Robert Downey Jr. in the Super Sleuth, is what brings this film above its basic plot. The best scene here is an assault on Watson and his new girlfriend while you're riding on a train. Moriarty men are determined to kill them, but Holmes is presented and helps fight the attackers.

The spirit of play between Holmes and Moriarty is fun, as Holmes tries to keep up with the equally intelligent villain, trying to determine the next moves of the teacher. The use of chess in different parts of the film is very appropriate, as the film's hero and villain are constantly fighting each other moves.

Rachel McAdams ("Mean Girls", "Midnight in Paris", "The Notebook") is back from the first film as well, but their role is very small. A friend told me he was disappointed with the small role of McAdams here.

The film has its flaws. I do not like when the bad guy spills his evil plans for the hero, just before anticipated to kill him. It's a film cliché that really needs to be avoided.

"Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows" has earned $ 394 million worldwide since its launch. critics gave a mediocre 60 percent approval, and critics were even harsher key, giving only 44 percent approval rating! However, the audience gave him a score much higher 80 percent approval in the same website.

No, this is not great cinema, but it's a fun way to spend two hours on a Saturday morning in the theater.

Vetter Rating: B

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