Sunday, January 15, 2012

"The Narcos Are Gray And Pathetic Lives"

Weapons, beheaded and violence without limit is the cliché now inevitable. Just to jump the name of Mexico for the association with drug trafficking and indiscriminate killings emerge as a strong gust of wind. Gerardo Naranjo knows but has no regrets about his latest film devoted to the theme, 'Miss Bala', despite increasing stigma. "This is the first and last time I touch the subject, but it is something I had to denounce," he says, satisfied that his vision has been selected by the Mexican Film Academy to qualify for an Oscar, hoping that the Hollywood jury select the finalists.

Naranjo, responsible for films like 'Dramamex' and 'I'm going to explode', expected to be included among the nominees and compete "head high", knowing that if you take home the golden statue, the doors of the industry's powerful of the world will open wide. Although he was not tempted by the money or the "cinema chewed" consumed in the United States. "I hope to pay tribute to those directors who really knew how to do well."

- Did you want to delve into the wound or give their own version of the conflict prevailing in your country?

- My film is only a representation of images and sounds that I have a fear of an anxiety to violence.

- Why the fear?

- Because I live with it, this is something that floats in the air in Mexico, about people having to do with my life, with people I love.

- Some people say that the violence of the news is a cliché because it only affects a small minority ...

- That's a big stupidity. Whoever says that does not know what happens in Mexico, is one who believes in luck and believed special. Mean is a way of understanding the conflict.

- Despite the violence, you present the human side of bosses. Was it something intentional?

- I have a very different perception of what we propose to the media. The narcos are very humble people, very ignorant, paranoid, with very gray and pathetic lives. This idea of ​​orgies full of criminals, who have a good time at their parties and their trucks, no. And yes, they are human, and for them is a job like any other. If you could be lying on the beach would be. They also do it by necessity.

- Does the comic tone is also intentional?

Yes, completely Delivered, an outlet at the same time reflects a very Latin world in the sense of corruption, how influences are handled. Mexico wanted to talk about cheating that still exists.

- Did you have access to the criminals, the people of the drug?

- I refused, though strangely enough, to approach these people. So I chose a 'miss' to see the bosses from the outside. I do not care about your justification for being criminals and did not want to find out. We talk to the police. Yes I saw in the jail to see how they dress, their shoes, their trucks and see what they are. It helped me a lot.

- What would mean sticking your head in the Oscar?

- A phenomenon that had never dreamed of, a work injury, and paradoxical at the same time, the fact that social-themed film to circulate Fox, being so conservative. But it is a piece of art that can compete with their heads held high. Let's see what the Americans say.

- To what extent is willing to sell your soul to make big Hollywood productions?

- (Laughs) At first I was not interested. I grew up with art films. I want to play the game and enter the big leagues, while maintaining the values ​​and being able to pay tribute to the classics. I hope not to sell my soul to the devil.

- Do not you want to do something everyday on the positive side of Mexico?

- This is the first and last time I make a film about violence in Mexico. What he had to say has already said, and when I can I'll make a movie about crushed daisy, on seeing life differently, to do something completely different.

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