Saturday, January 28, 2012

Holly Madison Is $ 1 Million Of Insurance For Her Breasts

Former Playboy magazine Holly Madison takes one million dollars from her pocket and makes insurance for her breasts. In the end, they were partly to blame for its Las Vegas and Playboy fame. "Holly world" star signed a Lloyd's of London policy, reports People magazine.

"I have heard of people getting body parts insured and I thought, why not?" Starlet said. Then she explains that math was her that she would be right to do it, "because if something happened to my chest, I'd be in for a few months and I'd probably come out of millions of dollars."

The former "Girls Next Door" star a few times when she put her "boobs" in the work of the pictorials in the magazine Playboy, to topless "Peepshow" in Las Vegas. During her performance in the show, there are several scenes where she appears half-naked. It would seem only natural that celebrity insures the goods that she performs with. In order to prove his idea directly, she added: "They are my primary producers of money right now," referring, of course, to her chest. She also said that in her opinion, they get the treatment they deserve.

Before hitting the road in the city that never sleeps, Madison, 31, was one of dozens of girlfriends Playboy mogul Hugh Hefner. She and two other sexual blondes who met Hef at the time, Kendra Wilkinson and Bridget Marquardt, starred in her first reality show "Girls Next Door". After a few statements in the media that Hef does not want to get married and Holly does not want to be more unmarried, they went their separate ways. It was replaced by Crystal Harris, who, for a quick moment, changed the idea of ​​Hefner's, bachelor until his death.
Since splitting from Hefner, Holly started a new project a reality show, which now has a couple of seasons: World Holly, which tells the story of blonde babe in Las Vegas.

Sources:Daily Gossip

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