Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Beyonce Baby Drama Tracing Lactating Sue PISSED Hospital

Breastfeeding and revenge ... TMZ has learned a lot of new moms are arguing passionately subject matters in the hospital where she gave birth just Beyonce.

Sources at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York told TMZ ... mothers have been assembled in a class of breastfeeding in the hospital ... and amid locking techniques that have been complaining about the way they have been treated during the blockade of celebrity.

We are told that mothers feel they have been "forgotten" by the hospital staff ... and are now discussing the possibility of filing a lawsuit against LHH.

According to NYDailyNews.com, Bey and Jay-Z fell $ 1.3 million to seal a private wing of the hospital ... with private security roaming all over the place.

Our sources say that several mothers have been arguing with the security people Bey ... contracted muscles accusing of being "extremely rude."

However, we are told that mothers are not mad Bey and Jay - directing the blame only the people who run the hospital.

A source tells us: "Someone at the hospital we must protect patients."

We have placed calls to the hospital - so far, no response.

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